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Entoloma rhodopolium

Cap is convex and truncate,depressed and then extensive,gray or gray yellowish color,the edge is wavy and irregular,stem is light gray color with a white shade,growing in the summer and autumn in deciduous forests especially under the beech.

Hygrocybe conica

Cap is a conic then spread and strongly bulging, yellowish-orange red color, passage of time turns black, a stem of orange red color, on the basis of a blackish fibrous,growing in the summer and fall,in meadows and pasture lands, and forest clearings.

Hygrophorus cossus

Cap is convex,then spread, smooth surface,white and cream colored,stem is cylindrical and curved, covered with flaked cream colored, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests,meadows,along the roads.

Hygrophorus pudorinus

Cap is convex,then spread and depressed,the edge is inroled,the fleshy and hard,orange and pink color, in the middle of the of cap is darker,a stem of a robust and hard,white color with orange-pink reflections, growing in summer and autumn in coniferous forests,especially under the dishes.

Lentinus tigrinus

Cap is a widespread, depressed,funnel,whitish yellow color,the surface covered with dark brown scales,stipe is whitish color,covered with tiny brown scales,growing in the early spring group at stumps,branches,roots deciduous trees,especially along the water's surface.

Megacollybia platyphylla

Cap is convex then spread, radially cracked,gray-brown color ,stem is fibrous, whitish color, growing in summer and autumn on rotten branches of deciduous trees.

Phallus hadriani

Torus developing from white egg,egg is smooth surfaces and irregularly grooved, pink color,white stem with conical head and dark olive green color, slimy structures,growing in late summer on sandy soils in coastal areas.

Phallus impudicus

Torus developing from white egg,on the basis of has a small roots,a white membrane from which growing a white stem,surface a stem is flaky,meat or cap is conical shape and olive green color,gelatinosa structure,growing in late summer and early autumn in moist deciduous forests.

Tricholoma acerbum

Cap the convex then spread, the edge is ribbed and the inrolled,light ocher and ocher or pink color,in the middle of cap the a darker color,stem of is bright ocher,growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Tricholoma imbricatum

Cap is convex then spread, the edge is inrolled,brown color,area of cap covered with brown flaked,stem is white color with brown tones,growing in the autumn in coniferous forests.

Tricholoma inocybeoides

Cap the conical then spread and strongly bulging,the surface is covered with a brown flaked and radial cracking,stem is whitish cream color,growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Tricholoma orirubens var. coniferarum

Cap is convex then spread and truncate,gray-black color,area of cap covered with a blackish fuzzy, stem is smooth structures, whitish cream colored with shades of pink color, growing in the summer and autumn in coniferous forests.