Cap is then the a convex , widespread, and depressed , red orange or pink, mid-cap is yellow, the edge ribbed, stem of white color, growing in summer in deciduous forests.
Cap is a widespread and depressed , edge ribbed, purple-red or red and purple color, in the middle of the cap is light colored, stem of white color, with some brown or gray nuance, growing in late summer in deciduous forests.
Cap is depressed then the widespread, wavy edge, milky white color, later dirty ocher and orange colors, a stem of white or ocher color, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests, buried into the ground.
Cap is depressed and the funnel-shaped, curled edge, the white to light ocher, a stem of the white and ocher, spotty, growing in summer and autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests, buried into the ground.
Cap is a convex , then the widespread and depressed , color cap is variable, varies from ocher brown to reddish brown color, with shades of purple, fading later, a stem of yellowish or brownish color, ,growing in the summer and autumn in deciduous or mixed forests.
Cap is a funnel-shaped and depressed , curled edge, white color, with a yellowish shades, later reddish brown spotted, stem of dirty white and gray in color ,growing in the deciduous forests.
Cap is a depressed , then the widespread and regular, dirty white to black color, the edge curled, stem of light gray with red spots, growing in summer and autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests.
Cap is a convex , then the widespread and depressed , curled edge, dark or black color, in the middle of the cap light cream color, a stem of gray or black color, basic color stem is a white color, growing in the deciduous forests.
Cap is a convex , then the widespread and depressed , curled edge, brown or dark brown with a reddish shades, in the middle of the cap dark shades, a stem of white color, then the blackish gray color, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests.