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Komentari na proizvod Amanita crocea

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Klobuk 1. 8. 2011. 09:06
The cap is free of rings with the volva and has a diameter of 5 – 10 cm, yellow-orange in colour with an apricot tinge at the centre. It expands to become flat or sometimes convex at the umbo, a small raised central area.
Volva is thick, white, at least 40 – 100 mm wide, saffron orange or a little browner than that in colour in the center when fresh and paler at the margin.
Gills are free and cream in mass (sometimes with a slight salmon or pinkish reflection, and 2 - 3± mm broad.
The stem or stipe is 85 - 230 x 7 – 14 mm, 10 – 15 cm long and 1 - 1.5 cm in diameter, tapering, decorated with paler fibrils in a "flame" pattern, with the decoration later becoming orange or brown-orange (darker than the underlying stipe surface)with a membranous sack-like volva at the base.
The white spores measure (8.0-) 9.4 - 11.8 (-18.8) x (7.5-) 8.5 - 11.0 (-16.0) µm
The fungi can occur infrequently between July and October in mycorrhizal with hardwood trees, particularly birch and beech in clearings. Its odour is sweet-smelling and it has a mildly nutty sweet taste.
It is similar to Amanita fulva (Orange-brown Ringless Amanita or Tawny Grisette) and Amanita caesarea (Caesar's Mushroom), belonging to the Vaginatae and Caesareae sections of Amanita genus respectively.
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