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Komentari na proizvod Amanita fulva

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Klobuk 1. 8. 2011. 09:37
The Tawny Grisette (Amanita fulva), or less poetically the Orange-brown Ringless Amanita, is a basidiomycete mushroom of the genus Amanita. It is found in Europe mostly. It is easily confused with the 'Death Cap',though not as substantial. The structure is relatively flimsy and the hollow stem often breaks, even when handled very gently. It has fibers on its stalk usually.
The cap of the mushroom is free of volval remnants, 35 – 95 mm wide, 5–10 cm across and 5–8 cm diameter. It grows umbonate when matured, strongly striate margin; it is orange-brown, paler at the margin, and darker (even very dark brown) in the center. Infrequently, roughly polygonal pieces of the volva may stick to the surface. Usually, it is smooth, slightly sticky and slippery when moist then dry. Gills are free, close, broad; have white to creamy flesh. Stem or stipe is 70-150 x 5-12mm (10 – 15 cm long and 1 - 1.5 cm in diameter), smooth or powdery, slender, hollow, quite fragile, tapering toward the top; white tinged with orange-brown and very fine white hairs. The stipe has no rings, but a large white sack-like volva. The spores are white, 9 x 12 microns or (9.0-) 10.0 - 12.5 (-19.3) x (8.2-) 9.3 - 12.0 (-15.5) µm in size, globose.
Amanita fulva is widely distributed in North America. The tawny grisette is found in conifer, birch, beech and oak woodlands in Europe. It grows on acidic soils and emerges fruit bodies from July to October, end of summer. It is distributed in Barcelona, León, A Coruña, and Lugo. They grow frequently too.
Amanita fulva is one of the few edible species in the genus amanita. However, it is suspected to cause stomach problems if eaten raw due to free-standing gills. Though this species is edible, consumption of any member of the Amanita genus can be very dangerous because so many are deadly poisonous.
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