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Komentari na proizvod Amanita strobiliformis

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Klobuk 1. 8. 2011. 11:54
The cap is 3 to 10 inches across, is rough with warts which sometimes fall away leaving the cap smooth, whitish, and sometimes has some brown. The gills are free and rounded behind. The veil is large and sometimes adhere to the margin of the cap. The stipe (stem) is 3 to 8 inches long, thick, white, bulbous, and sometimes weighs a pound. The spores are elliptical.
In many sources this species is said to be harmless but still then its edibility is doubted and uncertain. So caution should be taken before consuming this fungi.It contains ibonetic acid or muscimol like Amanita muscaria and Amanita pantherina.
The species can be found in light woods or on the borders of the woods, usually by itself or in clusters. The mushroom is rare.
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