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Komentari na proizvod Amanita caesarea

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Klobuk 1. 8. 2011. 08:40
This mushroom has an orange-red cap, initially hemispherical before convex and finally flat. The surface is smooth, and margins striated, and it can reach 15 (6 in) or rarely 20 cm (8 in) in diameter. The free gills are pale to golden yellow, as is the cylinder-shaped stipe, which is 8–15 cm (3–6 in) tall and 2–3 cm ( around 1 in) wide. The ring hangs loosely and is lined above and smooth below. The base of the stipe is thicker than the top and is seated in a greyish-white cup-like volva, which is a remnant of universal veil. The spores are white.
It could be confused with the poisonous fly agaric (Amanita muscaria). Though A. muscaria has a distinctive red cap dotted with fluffy white flakes, these tend to fall off as the carpophor ages and the bright red tends to fade to a yellowy orange. The latter mushroom will always have white gills and stalk with a ringed volva rather than a yellow stalk and is typically associated with spruce (Picea), pine (Pinus) or birch (Betula). Certain varieties ( e.g. Amanita muscaria var. guessowii ) are close to yellow even at the juvenile stage.
This mushroom fruits in oak woodland, sometimes mixed with conifers, from early summer to mid autumn. It is found in North Africa and southern Europe, particularly in the hills of northern Italy. It is thought to have been introduced north of the Alps by the Roman armies as it is most frequently found along old Roman roads. The mushroom is also distributed in Hungary, India, and China (Sichuan Province). Although the species is not known to exist in the United States and Canada, it has been collected in Mexico.
This mushroom is highly prized, and is a common sight in the markets of Italy, southern France, and Spain. However, many mycologists warn inexperienced gatherers against seeking it out as it can be easily confused with other deadly members of the Amanita genus, for example Amanita virosa or Amanita phalloides.
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Klobuk 1. 8. 2011. 08:42
Amanita caesarea ili blagva je poznata jestiva gljiva prirodno prisutna u južnoj Europi. Ime dolazi zbog toga što je bilja omiljena gljiva Rimskim carevima.
Klobuk blagve je narančastocrvene boje veličine 6 do 20 cm. Ispod klobuka su listići žute boje, gusti. Stručak je veličine 5 do 14 cm, također žute boje, pri dnu blago zadebljanje. Ispod klobuka se nalazi vjenčić naglašeno narebran. Dok je mlada obavijena je u debeo bijeli ovoj koji kasnije ostaje pri dnu gljive. Nema ostataka ovoja na klobuku kao kod vrste Amanita muscaria
Blagva raste u toplijim predjelima, na svijetlu po šumskim čistinama. Raste u ljeto i jesen.
Blagva se smatra jednom od najkvalitetnijih gljiva ako ne i najkvalitetnijom.
Zamjena sa nekim otrovnim gljivama nije moguća ako se obrati pažnja na ovoj, vjenčić i boju. Ipak obratite paznju na muharu (Amanita muscaria).
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