Korpa je prazna.


Paxillus involutus

Cap is flat,edge is curledand ribbed,yellowish brown color,stem is full, high and dirty brown colored,growing in late autumn to winter in deciduous forests, in meadows.

Ramaria formosa

Torus in the form of coral,the basis is of the stump and white color, branches are cylindrical, thin,soft,reddish orange color,the tips of branches are yellow,late summer growing in deciduous forests.

Ramaria pallida

Torus in the form of coral,the basis is of the stump and white color, branches are numerous,thin and white coffee color, the tips of branches are purple shade,growing in late summer in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Russula emetica

Cap is a flat, depressed, red or pink, whitish faded, stem of white, sometimes reddish, growing in the summer and autumn woods and along the forest roads.

Russula emetica var. betularum

Cap is convex then the depressed , red or pink whitish faded in the middle of the cap purple and pink, stem of white, growing in the summer and fall under the birch.

Russula farinipes

Cap is convex, then widespread and depressed, wavy edge, yellow ocher color, in the middle of the cap dark shades,stipe of white color and mealy surfaces, growing in the summer and fall to the grass in light deciduous forests.

Russula foetens

Cap is convex, then widespread , yellowish ocher or yellowish brown color, yellowish-white stipe , grows in the summer and autumn in the coniferous and deciduous forests.

Scleroderma areolatum

Torus is round, on the basis of has a compact bundle of mycelia,the outer membrane is yellow ocher to ocher brown color and is covered with fine brown fuzzy,gridded look,the meat is black purple color, marbled,growing in late summer and early autumn,in parks,meadows, along with roads in deciduous forests.

Scleroderma citrinum

Torus is potato shaped or rounded,the the outer membrane is covered with flaked yellow or brownish yellow colored,the flesh is violet color and hard consistency,growing in late summer,the meadows and pastures,deciduous and mixed forests.

Scleroderma meridionale

Torus is round,the membrane is yellow ocher to yellowish brown colored,hard and old age shoots in prong,growing in late summer in the southern parts of the an sandy soil.

Scleroderma verrucosum

Torus is irregularly rounded,on the basis of has a compact bundle of mycelia,the outer membrane is pale brown color with purple shades, and covered with fine warts,the meat is olive brown or black,marbled with white strands,growing in late summer and early autumn,in parks,meadows with roads.

Tricholoma batschii

Cap is convex then spread, fleshy and fibrous,the edge is inrolled,red chestnut brown color,stem of chestnut-brown color, growing in the summer and autumn in coniferous forests.