Torus are formed of spindle branches,branches are grooved,not branching,yellow colored,growing in late summer and autumn along the edges of forest glades in the moss and ferns.
Cap is a widespread and depressed,dark brown to pale ocher color,the edge is inrolled,stem is cylindrical,pale ocher color, growing in the fall on the ground in the grass.
Cap is a widespread and concave,irregularly shaped,white,edge of the wavy,stem is short ,cylindrical,white color,growing in deciduous forests on acid soils.
Cap convex and depressed then widespread, whitish gray color,the edge is irregular and wavy,the stem is graybeige or graybrown color,growing in the summer and autumn in coniferous and deciduous forests.
Cap is a bell and then spread, reddish or purple brown or chestnut brown, edge pleated, stipe of reddish brown color,the lower side is red color , growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.
Cap is a convex then spread and depressed,radially fibrous,black blue to dark purple color,the edge is ribbed,stem is purple blue color,growing in late summer and autumn the meadows and pastures.
Cap is a bell shape then spread and bulging,blue purple color,silk structure,the stem is purple blue color,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests.
Cap is convex then spread and bulging,gray-brown colored,radially fibrous,the edge is inrolled and wavy,a stem of gray-brown colored,growing in late summer on the grass in coniferous and deciduous forests.
Torus consisting of two parts,the lower outer portion is cracked the wings like a star,ocher brown colored,the upper interior part is thin and flattened,cream-ocher color,growing in late summer along the edge of coniferous forest glades,in sandy soil.
Torus consisting of two parts,the lower outer portion is cracked in the wings like a star,whitish brown colored,the upper interior part of the a round,meat contains spores,pale violet color,in late summer growing on dry sandy soil,along the sea and in coniferous forests.
Torus consisting of two parts,the lower outer portion is cracked in the wings like a star,creamy beige color,the wings are lowered down which the torus raise in height,the upper interior part of the circular,containing meat and spores,purple brown colors,growing at the end summer in coniferous forests,glades.