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Elaphomyces granulatus

Torus is round, hard and compact, the surface is small wart, yellow, rusty brown to ocher color, flesh is chocolate brown and black color, growing in autumn and winter, buried in the ground,under fallen pins in coniferous forests.

Elaphomyces muricatus

Torus is round, hard and wide,the surface is small wart,dark rusty brown to brown, meat is gray pink later chocolate brown color,growing in the surface soil in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Entoloma bloxamii

Cap is a conical then spread and truncate,radially grooved,dark violet blue color,edge is incurved,a stem of dark blue color,base stem is white colored,in late summer growing in meadows and pastures.

Entoloma chalybaeum

Cap is convex then spread and bulging,dark gray-blue with shades purple,radially fibrous,stem is gray-blue color,growing in late summer on the pastures and meadows of the higher regions.

Entoloma lepidissimum

Cap is conical then convex and bulging,dark purple color,radially fibrous,the edge is an irregular and wavy,a stem of dark blue color,the surface is mealy,growing in late summer and autumn in the moss in coniferous and mixed forests.

Entoloma mammosum

Cap is convex then spread and strongly bulging,varies from dark brown to light brown colored,the edge is inrolled,stem is light or dark brown in color,grow in early spring in coniferous and deciduous forests.

Entoloma porphyrophaeum

Cap is a bell shape then spread and strongly bulging,brown color with a purple shades,stem is brown purple color,growing in late summer and autumn meadows,pastures and glades deciduous forests of higher regions.

Entoloma roseum

Cap is convex, then spread and gently depressed,radially fibrous,pinkish brown color,stem is white color with a pink shade,growing in late summer in coniferous forests,on edges of forests.

Entoloma venosum

Cap is convex,then spread and truncate,dark brown color,the edge is incurved, stem is light gray color with a white shade, grows in the summer in coniferous or mixed forests.

Geastrum sessile

Torus consisting of two layers,the lower outer portion is cracked in the wings like a star,cream-colored,the upper inner part is round,contains the meat with a spores,growing in late summer on the soil in coniferous and mixed forests.

Geastrum triplex

Torus are composed of three layers,the outer layer is cracked in several wings,cream-colored and later gray-brown color, the middle layer has the shape of collar,the outer upper part is round and contains meat and the spores,pale ocher to gray-brown colored,growing in late summer the soil in coniferous and mixed forests.

Helvella lacunosa

Torus consisting of a cap and stem. Cap consists of three irregular wings, gray-brown or brownish black color with a white color shades ,stem is light gray color,longitudinally grooved,growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests,along forest edges and glades.