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Cortinarius purpurascens

Cap is convex then widespread,fleshy,ocher to reddish brown color,a stem of pale purple color, the basis of stalk is bulbaceous,growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Cortinarius rufoolivaceus

Cap a convex then widespread,the edge rolled,varied from olive gray,purple and purple red,stem of varies from purple brown to reddish brown color, grows in the summer in deciduous forests.

Cortinarius russeoides

Cap conical,a convex then widespread,green yellow with shades of brown, wet weather in the area cap is slobbering,a wavy edge,stem is reddish brown color,growing in the autumn in the coniferous forests.

Cortinarius sodagnitus

Cap is convex then widespread,the edge is rolled, the structure of silk,purple and silver color,old age takes on the color of yellow ocher, a stem of purple, faded later, in late summer, grows in deciduous forests.

Cortinarius suillus

Cap is convex then widespread,fleshy, reddish brown or light brown with brown spots, a stem of cream-colored with brown spots and shades, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Cortinarius talus

Cap a convex then widespread,ocher yellow to rust brown color, fibrous structure,the edge rolled, stem of pale and varying up to ocher brown color, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests,especially in beech forests.

Cortinarius torvus

Cap is a hemispherical convex then spread, fleshy, reddish or purple-brown, silky surface,stipe of whitish brown,the upper part of the purple pigmentation, growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Cortinarius triumphans

Cap is convex then spread and bulging,varying from yellow ocher to orange brown color,with a stipe of yellow ocher and ocher brown color ,in late summer, growing in deciduous forests.

Cortinarius trivialis

Cap is convex, then spread and dull bulging, clays brown or olive-brown, rolled edge and a shiny,stipe of whitish purple color and with brown spots and flakes, growing in late summer and fall on the clay ground in deciduous forests.

Cortinarius turgidus

Cap a convex then widespread,the edge is irregular and wavy,cap is ocher or brown, after the fading,stem of is white ocher color,thickened the basis of,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests of the mountainous regions.

Elaphomyces anthracinus

Torus is round,the surface is smooth or finely wart, dark brown colored,the meat is brown blackish color, growing in different seasons in the surface soil in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Elaphomyces echinatus

Torus is round and slightly flattened, the surface varies from greenish yellow to dark brown and black color, Torus of the membrane is rusty ocher color, flesh is blackish, grows under the ground surface in the winter and spring under different trees.