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Collybia distorta

Cap is bell-shaped, then convex, widespread and truncate ,ocher brown colors to reddish brown colors, the edge is inrolled and wavy, fibrous stem, curved and grooved, white to cream color, growing on needles or coniferous tree stumps.

Collybia maculata

Cap is convex, the widespread the edge is inrolled and raised, white with rusty spots, stem is white to whitish-brown colors,tough, grows in the fall in all forests.

Collybia peronata

Cap is convex then spread, ocher to reddish brown colors with a shades of yellow color, the edge is inrolled, stem is covered with white hair, the same color as the cap, growing in summer and autumn on rotting leaves in deciduous forests.

Collybia prolixa

Cap is conical, extensive, irregular wavy edge, reddish brown, stipe is yellow-brown colors, growing in the summer on the remains coniferous trees.

Cortinarius acutorum

Cap bell is then a conical and strongly bulging, orange color that in time fading to the color of ocher, the edge is rolled and wavy, stipe of the same color as the cap, grows in late summer and autumn in the moss in coniferous forests.

Cortinarius alboviolaceus

Cap is convex, then spread and dull bulging, fleshy,white-gray-purple color, silky structure, the stipe of purple and white color, growing in the autumn in deciduous forests.

Cortinarius amoenolens

Cap a convex then widespread, varies from light beige to gray and olive-yellow ocher color, the edge rolled, stem of gray-blue to pale violet color, grow in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Cortinarius anomalus

Cap a convex then widespread and bulging, fibrous structure, bluish gray color,mid-cap is brown,stem is whitish cream color with gray-bluish tones, growing in the summer in deciduous forests.

Cortinarius arcuatorum

Cap is convex then spread ,fleshy, and smooth, brownish orange color with a reflections purple color and stipe is bluish purple color with shades of brown, growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Cortinarius armeniacus

Cap conical,a convex and truncate,ocher yellow to orange-brown color,stem is light brown,with white grooved fibers, growing in late summer and autumn in the coniferous forests, in an acidic ground.

Cortinarius atrovirens

Cap is convex then spread, dark olive green, rolled edge of and wavy, stipe of varying from green to yellow-brown, growing in coniferous forests.

Cortinarius aureoturbinatus

Cap is convex then widespread,orange yellow to orange-red,mid-cap has dark spots,a stem of sulfur yellow with shades of reddish brown,the basis of stalk is bulbaceous,grows in the summer in deciduous forests.