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Clavulinopsis dichotoma

Torus is a form of coral,fleshy stem which is expanding and splits into two forks of branches,the tips of branches have sharp spikes,white to light beige color,growing in late summer and autumn along the edges of forest glades in the moss.

Clavulinopsis helveola

Torus are formed from slim and cylindrical sticks,which are curved with each other are intertwined,not branching,orange yellow colored,the tips are rounded and blunt,grow in late summer on the ground in woods,in moss and grass.

Clavulinopsis laeticolor

Torus are formed from slim and cylindrical sticks, not branching,golden yellow orangecolored,the tips are rounded and blunt, grow in late summer on the ground in different forests.

Clitocybe bresadoliana

Cap is convex then spread and funnel-shaped, rose ocher brown colored, irregularly shaped, stem is ocher brown color, growing from spring to autumn in pastures and forests of higher regions.

Clitocybe concava

Cap is depressed and funnel-shaped,gray to graybrown colored,the edge is inrolled,stem is cylindrical,ash gray color with a white shade,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests,the higher regions.

Clitocybe ditopa

Cap is a convex and concave then spread,smooth and silky structure,graybrown color,the edge is beinrolled,stem is grooved and a winding,graybrown colored with a white shade,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests.

Clitocybe foetens

Cap is convex then widespread and depressed, beige brown colored with olive shade,the edge is inrolled, wavy,and ribbed,stem is grooved,light beige to cream color,growing in coniferous forests.

Clitocybe hydrogramma

Cap is a widespread, depressed and funnel-shaped,gray to whitish gray color,the edge is wavy and inrolled,the stem is whitish color, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests of fallen leaves.

Clitocybe inornata

Cap is a convex,depressed and then spread,whitish gray and light brown color,the edge is inrolled and ribbed,stem is a rugged,whitish gray in color,growing in the autumn in coniferous forests.

Clitocybe metachroa

Cap is a widespread and depressed, smooth, gray-brown to whitish cream color,the edge is ribbed or wavy,stem is white to gray-brown in color in late fall growing in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Clitocybe nitriolens

Cap is a funnel-shaped, varying from brown to greyish yellow color,the edge is thin and wavy and transparent ribbed,stem is colored as a cap,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests,the higher regions.

Clitocybe subspadicea

Cap is a convex then spread and depressed,varies from whitish ocher to olive brown in color,stem is gray-brown color,base stem is thickened,growing in deciduous forests on fallen leaves.