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Tricholoma caligatum

Cap the convex then spread, the surface is covered with a fibrous fuzzy,the edge the inrolled and wavy, reddish brown with shades cream,in the middle of cap the darker shade,stem is whitish brown color, covered with veneers, growing in the summer and autumn in coniferous forests,the coast.

Tricholoma focale

Cap the convex then spread, the edge the inrolled, orange-brown color,of cap in the middle of the darker hue,the stem of whitish brown color,covered with veneers,growing in the summer and autumn in coniferous forests in higher regions.

Tricholoma saponaceum var. ardosiaca

Cap is convex then spread and the truncate, gray-brown in color, area cone is covered with fine veneers,edge is inrolled and then upturned, irregularly undulating, stem is whitish in color with a blackish fuzzy, growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests.

Tricholoma saponaceum var. lavedanum

Cap is convex then spread and the truncate,gray with a pink shade,mid cap is a reddish color,at the touch of red,stipe is a whitish color at the touch of red,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Tricholoma sciodes

Cap is convex then spread and truncate,whitish and dark gray color with brown or purple reflections,a stipe of whitish gray color,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests, especially under oak and beech.

Tricholoma sejunctum

Cap is convex then spread, the edge is inrolled,lemon yellow or yellow green color with olive-brown shades,the stem of white or yellowish in color,growing in the summer and autumn in coniferous and deciduous forests,in forest glades,along the edges of forests.

Tricholoma sulphurescens

Cap the convex then spread, creamy yellow color,the stem of cream-yellow color, growing in the autumn in deciduous forests.

Tricholoma sulphureum

Cap is convex then spread and the truncate,the edge is inrolled,yellow color as sulfur,in the middle of the cap is a reddish brown color,a stem of yellow color sulfur,growing in the summer and autumn in coniferous the deciduous forests.

Tricholoma umbonatum

Cap the conical then spread and strongly bulging,the edge is irregularly wavy, gray-brown in color with shades cream,the stem of whitish cream color, growing in the autumn in deciduous forests.

Tricholoma virgatum

Cap is conical then spread and the strongly bulging, dark gray or ashygray color,stipe is a whitish color,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests.

Tricholoma viridilutescens

Cap is convex then spread, the edge is upturned and cracked,yellow-green color to olive-brown shades, the stem of white or yellowish in color,growing in the summer and autumn in coniferous forests.

Tuber excavatum

Torus may be rounded, elliptical,gnarled and irregular,the surface is rough and wart,ocher brown colors,the flesh is hard and compact,ocher brown colors,marbled with white veins,growing from summer to winter in all forests.