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Russula atropurpurea

Cap is a widespread and depressed, dark violet red, the center cap is black in color, stem white color with brown spots, growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Russula atrorubens

Cap is convex, then spread out and depressed , edge ribbed, purple-red colored, mid-cap is black and purple color,surface of the velvety structure, the stem is white color, with purple-pink tone, growing in pine forest and below the fir trees and spruce.

Russula badia

Cap is a widespread and depressed , the edge is slightly ribbed, red or black-purple-red color, a stem of white, sometimes reddish ,growing in the summer and fall to acid ground in coniferous forests.

Russula cavipes

Cap is a widespread and depressed, the edge of ribbed, variable color varies from olive green color to purple-gray with a violet shades, mid-cap is a darker shade, the stipe of white color, growing in summer and autumn in the coniferous forests.

Russula decipiens

Cap is a widespread and depressed , edge ribbed, purple-red or red and purple color, in the middle of the cap is light colored, stem of white color, with some brown or gray nuance, growing in late summer in deciduous forests.

Russula densifolia

Cap is a convex , then the widespread and depressed , curled edge, light gray-brown or rusty brown color, stem of white color, has a tendency to brown, growing in summer and autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests on acidic ground.

Russula fragilis

Cap is a widespread and depressed , changing color varies from pink to purple and pink, edge ribbed, stem of fragile and white color, ,growing in the summer and autumn in the coniferous and deciduous forest.

Russula gracillima

Cap is convex, then the widespread and depressed , edge ribbed, changing colors, varies from green, purple and green or carmine red, in the middle of the cap dark shades, stem of white, growing in summer and autumn as simbionit birch.

Russula illota

Cap is convex, then widespread , yellowish ocher or yellowish brown color, viscous and slimy surfaces, stipe of of white and then brown color, growing in the summer and autumn in the coniferous and deciduous forests.

Russula laurocerasi

Cap is convex, then widespread and depressed, the edge of ribbed, whitish ocher and ocher brown ,cap in the middle of the darker shades, stipe of cream color with reddish spots, growing in summer and autumn in the coniferous and deciduous forests on acidic soils.

Russula luteotacta

Cap is a convex , then the widespread, purple-red color, stem of and gillis on touch of at the moment yellow ,a stem of white color, growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests on the coast.

Russula maculata

Cap is convex, then spread and depressed , light pink, orange or light yellow color, all over the surface rust spotty , stem is white color with a pink tone, stalk base is brown, growing in the summer in deciduous forests.