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Ramaria sanguinea

Torus in the form of corals,the basis is thick fleshy base,whitish color,it splits into many branches,branches are pale cream to yellow color,growing in late summer in mixed forests of coniferous and deciduous trees.

Ramaria secunda

Torus in the form of coral,the basis of is stem thickened,white color with pink or reddish shades,it splits into many branches,branches are whitish with a reddish-pink shades,growing in late summer in coniferous and deciduous forests.

Ramaria spinulosa

Torus in the form of coral,the stump is long and brown ocher colored, it splits into a few thick branches and those in the thinner branches,peak branches has spikes,branches are light ocher brown colored,growing in late summer in deciduous forests.

Ramaria strasserii

Torus in the form of corals,the basis is thick stump,whitish yellow colored,splits into many branches,the tips of branches are reddish brown color,in late summer growing in coniferous forests.

Ramaria stricta

Torus in the form of coral,the stump is long and ocher color,branch in many parallel of thin branches,peak branches has spikes,branches are pale yellowish ocher color,grow in late summer on dead and rotting deciduous and coniferous tree.

Ramariopsis clavuligera

Torus in the form of coral,base are of branches,branches are cylindrical and compressed,bright yellow colored,the surface of the branches gnarled and rough,growing in late summer and autumn on the ground in coniferous and deciduous forests.

Rhodocybe mundulus

Cap is convex then widespread and depressed, whitish to gray-yellow in color, to touch turns black, stem is tough, elastic, grayish brown with a nuance of white, grow in summer in coniferous and deciduous forests.

Russula acrifolia

Cap is a convex , then the widespread and depressed , curled edge, brown or dark brown with a reddish shades, in the middle of the cap dark shades, a stem of white color, then the blackish gray color, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests.

Russula adusta

Cap is convex, then widespread and depressed, the edge of upturned, dark brown, cracked surface, stipe of whitish gray in color, with shades of brown color, growing in summer and autumn in the coniferous forests.

Russula albonigra

Cap is a convex,then the widespread and depressed, thick and fleshy,dark gray-brown color with shades pink, then stem of the gray-white and black, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests.

Russula amarisima

Cap is convex,then the widespread and depressed, rolled edge,carmine red color, mid-cap is a creamy brown color, stem of white with a pink shade, growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Russula anthracina

Cap is a convex , then the widespread and depressed , curled edge, dark or black color, in the middle of the cap light cream color, a stem of gray or black color, basic color stem is a white color, growing in the deciduous forests.