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Hygrocybe tristis

Cap is a bell shape and then spread and sharply bulging, the edge is wavy,yellow or orange red color and later turns black,a stem of yellow or olive-yellow color,growing in the summer and fall of the glades, grassy areas in the forest.

Hygrocybe turundus

Cap is a widespread and funnel-shaped,the edge is cracked,orange yellow color,the stem is yellow or orange yellow color, growing in late summer along the edges of forests in moss.

Hygrocybe unguinosa

Cap is a bell shape and then spread and truncate,the edge is translucent ribbed,gray color,a stem is gray-brown color,growing in late summer and autumn in the pastures and meadows,along forest edges of higher regions.

Hymenogaster lycoperdineus

Torus was round as a tuber,the surface torus is whitish,on the touch becomes brown colors,the meat is light brown color, growing in the fall and winter,buried into the ground in deciduous forests.

Hymenogaster populetorum

Torus was round as a tuber, on the basis of a neither mycelium,is the torus surface of whitish to gray-brown colors,the meat is brown with a purple shade,growing in the fall and winter,buried into the ground in deciduous forests.

Lentinus cyathiformis

Cap is convex then widespread and funnel, ocher brown color,the surface is covered with tiny brown flaked,stem is brown color and covered with small brown fuzzy, growing in late summer and autumn on the stumps deciduous trees.

Leucopaxillus amarus

Cap is convex or widespread, fleshy, brown and ocher brown colors,the edge is inrolled or wavy irregular, the stem is sturdy, white color, growing in summer and autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Leucopaxillus macrocephalus

Cap is convex or spread, massive, fleshy, tough, whitish ocher or brown ocher colors, the edge is inroled, the stem is plump,massive, whitish ocher color, growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Melanogaster variegatus

Torus has irregular shape may be rounded, elliptical or kidney shape, the surface is velvety and rough textures, ocher yellow to reddish brown color, the meat is marbled and blackish, grows in deciduous forests and the Mediterranean maquis, especially under oak and hazelnut.