Korpa je prazna.

Nema nutricione vrijednosti

Lycoperdon umbrinum

Torus is round or pear-shaped,tuberous,brown colored,dark brown surface has spikes,growing in the grass in late summer in coniferous forests,higher areas.

Mutinus ravanellii

Torus developing from egg, white color,the stem is long,white and pink color,conical head is olive green,and later pink colo, spongy structure,growing in summer in the parks and gardens.

Pluteus chrysophaeus

Cap is bell-shaped, convex then spread,light brown color, the edge is ribbed,the stem is smooth and white colored, the base is yellowish, growing in summer on old stumps and logs of deciduous trees.

Rhizopogon luterorubescens

Torus is a rounded shape,surface varies from dirty white to brown and yellow ocher color,touch becomes reddish in color,the flesh is yellow to yellow ocher color,growing in late the summer half-buried in the ground in coniferous and mixed forests.

Trappea darkeri

Torus is rounded,based on a thick rhisomorphs,surface of the torus is whitish with brown tones,the meat is brown is olive green, growing in the summer and autumn in mixed deciduous and coniferous forests.

Coprinus picaceus

Šarena gnojištarka, šarena tintnica,lijepa i zanimljiva gljiva,nema hranjivu vrijednost,raste u vlažnim šumama,u ljeto i jesen .