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Macrolepiota rhacodes

Upotrebljivost: Uslovno jestiva
Specifikacije proizvoda
Godišnje dobaLjeto, Jesen
StaništeMješovita šuma
KlobukKonveksan, Vlaknast, Ravan
Boja klobukaSmeđa, Krem
Cap size2" - 6" (5cm - 15cm)
Cap flesh colorWhite
Cap edgeRagged patches of veil
GillsFree gills
Gills colorCream
Gills formDense, With lamellule
Boja stručkaKrem, Smeđa
Stipe size4" - 6" (10cm - 15cm)
Stipe sectionTubular
RingDouble floating
Base of stipeCudgel
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Klobuk 1. 8. 2011. 19:40
The Shaggy parasol is the common name for two closely related species of mushrooms, Chlorophyllum rhacodes and C. brunneum, found in North America and Europe (the latter species is also found in Australia).
The shaggy parasol is a large and conspicuous agaric, with thick brown scales and protuberances on its fleshy white cap. The gills and spore print are both white in colour. Its stipe is slender, but bulbous at the base, is coloured uniformly and bears no patterns. It is fleshy, and a reddish, or maroon discoloration occurs and a pungent odour is evolved when it is cut. The egg-shaped caps become wider and flatter as they mature.
The stem of C. rhacodes grows to 10 to 20 cm (4 to 8 in) tall. The cap grows to 7.5 to 20 cm (3 to 8 in) across, while the stipe has a diameter of 1 to 2 centimetres.
The shaggy parasol is popularly praised as a choice edible mushroom. However, it contains toxins which can cause gastric upsets when eaten raw or undercooked, and some individuals show a strong allergic response even after cooking.
Furthermore, young shaggy parasols look identical to the poisonous Chlorophyllum molybdites (the mushroom that causes the most poisonings in North America yearly). Checking the spore print is essential as C. molybdites' print is green (older specimens have slightly green gills). As a result, this mushroom is not recommended for inexperienced hunters.
The shaggy parasol is similar in appearance to the similarly edible parasol mushroom, Macrolepiota procera. The latter grows considerably larger however, and is more likely to be found in the open than M. rhacodes which prefers more shade and dislikes open pastures and fields. Another distinguishing feature is that M. rhacodes lacks the brown bands that are on the stem of M. procera.
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Specifikacije proizvoda
Godišnje dobaLjeto, Jesen
StaništeMješovita šuma
KlobukKonveksan, Vlaknast, Ravan
Boja klobukaSmeđa, Krem
Cap size2" - 6" (5cm - 15cm)
Cap flesh colorWhite
Cap edgeRagged patches of veil
GillsFree gills
Gills colorCream
Gills formDense, With lamellule
Boja stručkaKrem, Smeđa
Stipe size4" - 6" (10cm - 15cm)
Stipe sectionTubular
RingDouble floating
Base of stipeCudgel
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