Korpa je prazna.

Loše kvalitete

Helvella crispa

Torus is formed of an irregular cap and stem. Cap has a saddle shape of two or three lobes, the surface is wavy and wrinkled, whitish ocher color, a the stem whitish color, longitudinally grooved, growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests, along roads.

Helvella fusca

Torus has a saddle lobes shape.Lobes were inflated and irregular,grown into with the stem,brown ocher or brown color,stem is whitish to cream colored,longitudinally grooved,growing in late spring in poplar forests.

Hygrocybe citrinovirens

Cap is a conic then spread and strongly bulging,yellow-greenish color,the edge is cracked,a stem is yellowish green or orange green color,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows and along the edges of coniferous forests.

Hygrocybe glutinipes

Cap is a conic then spread with a truncate,golden yellow with shades of orange,a stem is golden yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows,along forest edges of higher regions.

Hygrocybe konradii

Cap is a conic then spread and strongly bulging,yellow-orange or golden yellow color,the edge is cracked,a stem is yellowish orange or golden yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows and along forest edges.

Hygrocybe obrussea

Cap is convex then spread,the edge is wavy and inrolled,orange yellow or citrus yellow color,the stem is yellow or orange yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows,in the moss.

Hygrocybe persistens

Cap is a conic then spread and strongly bulging,yellow-orange color,the edge is ribbed and wavy,a stem is yellow orange color,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows.

Hygrocybe reidii

Cap is convex then spread,red and orange colors,the edge is wavy and scalloped,a stem is orange red color,growing in late summer and autumn in the mountain meadows and pastures.

Hygrocybe spadicea

Cap is a bell shape then spread,the edge is forked,dark blackish brown color,a stem is of yellow color with shades of brown or purple in color,fibrous grooved,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows of higher regions.

Hygrocybe substrangulatus

Cap is convex then spread,scarlet red and orange colors,the edge is wavy and ribbed,a stem is orange yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in the meadows,pasture lands.

Laccaria laccata

Cap is convex then spread a little depressed, ocher orange color, fade later, shiny, edge is curled or ribbed, stem is ocher orange color, fibrous and ribbed, growing in summer and autumn in the woods, along the roads, with puddles.