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Proizvodi označeni s 'Hygrocybe'

Hygrocybe citrina

Cap is a conic then spread,citrus yellow with shades of orange,the edge is ribbed,a stem is citrus yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn,in moist grassy forest clearings,in moss.

Hygrocybe glutinipes

Cap is a conic then spread with a truncate,golden yellow with shades of orange,a stem is golden yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows,along forest edges of higher regions.

Hygrocybe obrussea

Cap is convex then spread,the edge is wavy and inrolled,orange yellow or citrus yellow color,the stem is yellow or orange yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows,in the moss.

Hygrocybe turundus

Cap is a widespread and funnel-shaped,the edge is cracked,orange yellow color,the stem is yellow or orange yellow color, growing in late summer along the edges of forests in moss.

Hygrocybe spadicea

Cap is a bell shape then spread,the edge is forked,dark blackish brown color,a stem is of yellow color with shades of brown or purple in color,fibrous grooved,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows of higher regions.

Hygrocybe ovina

Cap is a bell shape and then spread,radially fibrous, black and brown or black and olive green colored,a stem is gray-brown or dark grayish olive green colored, growing in the fall of the pastures and meadows, along the edges of coniferous forests.

Hygrocybe unguinosa

Cap is a bell shape and then spread and truncate,the edge is translucent ribbed,gray color,a stem is gray-brown color,growing in late summer and autumn in the pastures and meadows,along forest edges of higher regions.

Hygrocybe nitratus

Cap is a convex and concave then spread,varies from white to gray in color with shades of brown,stem is whitish gray in color,growing in the fall of the pastures and meadows.