Cap is a convex, then widespread and depressed, the edge of ribbed, the changing colors, varying between purple, red, violet color, mid-cap has a greenish shade, the stipe of white or creamy yellow color, growing in the summer and fall under birch.
Cap is a convex , then the widespread and depressed , color cap is variable, varies from ocher brown to reddish brown color, with shades of purple, fading later, a stem of yellowish or brownish color, ,growing in the summer and autumn in deciduous or mixed forests.
Cap is convex, then it is widespread and depressed, edge wavy, purple-brown color, has a lighter colored spots, stem white color rough surfaces, growing in the summer and fall to in acidic ground deciduous forests.
Cap is convex, then widespread ,incurved edge, has a variable color ,varies from yellow green, olive yellow, carmine purple or reddish-brown color, stipe of purple, grow in summer and autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests.
Cap is hemispherical, then widespread and depressed , gray-green or whitish green, it looks like scabby, stem of white and breakable, growing from spring to autumn in deciduous and mixed forests.
Cap is a widespread and depressed, smooth and glossy surface, lemon or yellowish cream color, stipe of of white with a pink shades, rough surfaces, growing in summer and autumn in the coniferous and deciduous forests.
Cap is then the a convex then widespread and depressed , rough surface, expressed in red color,stem of pink and red color, and white and growing in the fall in coniferous forests.
Cap is a convex , then the widespread and depressed , the edge is smooth ,to carmine red or purple-red color, surface as it is sprinkled with flour, stem of white, in the lower part of the reddish purple color, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests parks.
Cap is a convex conical then spread and truncate, gray-brown or silvery gray color,stipe is a whitish color,smooth structure ,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests of pine trees.