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Russula luteotacta

Cap is a convex , then the widespread, purple-red color, stem of and gillis on touch of at the moment yellow ,a stem of white color, growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests on the coast.

Russula maculata

Cap is convex, then spread and depressed , light pink, orange or light yellow color, all over the surface rust spotty , stem is white color with a pink tone, stalk base is brown, growing in the summer in deciduous forests.

Russula mesospora

Cap is then the a convex , widespread, and depressed , red orange or pink, mid-cap is yellow, the edge ribbed, stem of white color, growing in summer in deciduous forests.

Russula mustelina

Cap is hemispherical, then it is widespread and depressed, rolled edge, fleshy, thick, a smooth surface, yellow-brown, dark brown, sometimes of reddish tone , the stem white, sometimes has brown spots, growing in summer and autumn in mountainous coniferous forests .

Russula nigricans

Cap is a depressed , then the widespread and regular, dirty white to black color, the edge curled, stem of light gray with red spots, growing in summer and autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Russula ochroleuca

Cap is convex, then widespread and depressed, yellow ocher and yellowish green color, glossy and smooth surface, stipe of white, growing in summer and autumn in the coniferous and deciduous forests.

Russula olivacea

Cap is a roundish, depressed, and then widespread, changing the color, varies from brown to olive-green to olive green with yellow tones red, white stem with shades carmine red, growing in deciduous and coniferous forests in summer and autumn.

Russula olivascens

Cap is a convex rounded, then widespread and depressed , edge of the rolled and ribbed, a pale olive-green or gray-green color, stem of white, growing in higher regions of coniferous forests in summer and autumn.

Russula parazurea

Cap is a convex, and depressed widespread ,incurved edge, greenish blue or gray-blue color, the stipe of varied from white, yellowish brown and grayish blue color, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests in moist soil.