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Russula badia

Cap is a widespread and depressed , the edge is slightly ribbed, red or black-purple-red color, a stem of white, sometimes reddish ,growing in the summer and fall to acid ground in coniferous forests.

Russula brunneoviolacea

Cap is a convex, and depressed widespread , irregularly shaped, violet gray or violet brown color, stipe of varied between white and gray, growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Russula cavipes

Cap is a widespread and depressed, the edge of ribbed, variable color varies from olive green color to purple-gray with a violet shades, mid-cap is a darker shade, the stipe of white color, growing in summer and autumn in the coniferous forests.

Russula chloroides

Cap is a funnel-shaped and depressed , curled edge, white color, with a yellowish shades, later reddish brown spotted, stem of dirty white and gray in color ,growing in the deciduous forests.

Russula citrina

Cap is convex, then widespread ,incurved edge, citrus yellow color, smooth surface, stipe of white, rough surface with brown spots, growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Russula clarofava

Cap is convex, then widespread, weak ribbed edge, yellow or yellow orange color ,smooth and shiny surface, stipe of white and yellowish in color, growing in the summer and fall to the wet ground under birch and alder.

Russula cutefracta

Cap is a roundish, concave, and then widespread, changing the color, varies from greenish brown to yellow brown, rolled edge, stem white, grow in summer in deciduous forests.

Russula cyanoxantha

Cap is convex, then it is widespread and depressed , edge ribbed, the variable colors, ranges in color combinations: purple blue, violet black and green color, stem of white, growing in summer and autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Russula cyanoxantha var. peltereaui

Cap is convex, then it is widespread and depressed, dark brown, olive green with some purple tones, rolled edge and ribbed, stem of white with brown spots, growing on a clay ground in moist deciduous forests.