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Oudemansiella radicata

Cap is convex and widespread, slightly truncate, pleated and rugged, the edge is raised, gray-brown color ,stem is brown color,grooved,growing from spring to autumn in the deciduous forests, near or on the stumps and roots of trees.

Oudemansiella renati

Cap is convex and widespread, slightly truncate, surface like a grid, gray-brown color ,stem is light -brown colors ,growing in the summer and autumn by deciduous forests dug into the ground.

Panellus serotinus

Cap is convex then widespread such as shells, fleshy and smooth,dark brown to olive-yellow color,is velvety surface, the edge is incurved,stem is yellowish color brown and covered with fuzzy, growing in late summer and autumn,the deciduous trees such as the alder,maple, willow tree,beech.

Panellus stypticus

Cap is widespread, irregularly shaped,whitish brown or ocher yellowish color,surface covered small scales,the edge is incurved and wavy,is stipe whitish ocher color, growing on stumps, branches,deciduous trees, especially on oak and beech.

Panus conchatus

Cap is funnel-shaped and irregular in shape,reddish brown in color with purple shades,the edge is incurved,stem is short and full,varies from purple pink to pale ocher color, growing in spring,summer and autumn,the deciduous forests of the fallen branches and trees.

Panus rudis

Cap is funnel and irregularly shaped, reddish color with purple shades, later fading,surface covered with bristles, the edge is incurved,stipe is short,hard and full, covered with bristles, growing in the group on the stumps deciduous trees, rare species.

Paxillus atrotomentosus

Cap is fleshy,convex,then widespread,irregular,edge is curled and wavy,brown or dark brown color,stem is velvety,thick and dark brown colored,growing in summer and autumn in the coniferous tree stumps.

Paxillus filamentosus

Cap is convex,then widespread and funnel shape,the surface is covered with flakes,the edge is curled and wavy, varies between brown,olive brown and yellowish -brown colored ,the stem is full, thin and light brown in color, growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests,in glades in the damp earth.

Paxillus involutus

Cap is flat,edge is curledand ribbed,yellowish brown color,stem is full, high and dirty brown colored,growing in late autumn to winter in deciduous forests, in meadows.