Korpa je prazna.

Iz liste karakteristika odaberite one koje možete tačno indetifikovati.

Leucopaxillus amarus

Cap is convex or widespread, fleshy, brown and ocher brown colors,the edge is inrolled or wavy irregular, the stem is sturdy, white color, growing in summer and autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Leucopaxillus giganteus

Cap is convex then widespread and depressed, the edge is wavy, creamy white color, stem is whitish cream color, growing in the summer on mountain glades in the grass.

Leucopaxillus giganteus

Cap is convex then spread and funnel-shaped, fleshy and thick, the edge is inrolled and ribbed, whitish or ocher color, stem is thick and short, whitish to pale cream color, growing in the fall of the meadows and pastures.

Leucopaxillus macrocephalus

Cap is convex or spread, massive, fleshy, tough, whitish ocher or brown ocher colors, the edge is inroled, the stem is plump,massive, whitish ocher color, growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Leucopaxillus tricolor

Cap is convex or widespread, depressed, fleshy, yellow ocher to yellow-brown color, the edge is inrolled, the stem is sturdy,robust, white ocher color, growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.