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Iz liste karakteristika odaberite one koje možete tačno indetifikovati.

Hygrophorus quelletii

Cap is convex,then spread, the edge is incurved, scaly surface,white,ocher brown colors,stem is cylindrical and curved, cream colored,growing in the summer and autumn in coniferous forests, beneath larch.

Hygrophorus quercetorum

Cap is convex,then spread and truncate,the edge is inrolled and slim,smooth surface,white color with yellow tones,stem is cylindrical and curved, cream colored,growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests, under the oak.

Hygrophorus russula

Cap is convex then spread and depressed,the edge is inrolled and the cream colored,grayish red or flesh colored,stem is cylindrical and curved,whitish color with red spots,growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous and mixed forests,especially in beech and oak forests.

Hygrophorus unicolor

Cap is convex then spread and depressed,edge of a wave and a thin,white color,in the middle of the of cap orange ocher color,a stem of white and cream colors, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests, under the beech.

Laccaria affinis

Cap is convex then spread a little depressed, the edge is raised and ribbed, pinkish brown colors, stipe is is longitudinally fibrous, pinkish ocher brown color, grows in deciduous and coniferous forests in moist soil.

Laccaria amethystina

Cap is convex then spread a little depressed, the edge is irregular and wavy, purple stem is slender, purple, fibrous,growing from summer to late autumn in various forests, the moist earth, the needles of conifers and deciduous leaves.

Laccaria bicolor

Cap is convex, slightly depressed, the surface is covered with fine grained or scales and reddish brown in color, with shades purple, a curved stem, fibrous, gray-pink color, on the basis of the color purple,growing in the moss in coniferous forests.

Laccaria laccata

Cap is convex then spread a little depressed, ocher orange color, fade later, shiny, edge is curled or ribbed, stem is ocher orange color, fibrous and ribbed, growing in summer and autumn in the woods, along the roads, with puddles.

Laccaria lateritia

Cap is convex then spread, ribbed and slightly depressed, the edge is raised incorrectly or cracked, orange-brown color ,stem is cylindrical, color as the cap, growing in moss in the group, along the streams.