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Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus

Cap is a bell and then spread and truncate , gray-brown color with olive reflections,in the middle of cap is a darker shades ,stem is cylindrical and curved,gray-brown color, growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests,especially under the spruce and juniper berries shrubs.

Hygrophorus penarius

Cap is convex,then spread and depressed,the edge is inroled,the fleshy and hard,orange and pink color,in the middle of the of cap is darker,the stem is cylindrical and the hard, white color with pink reflections and ocher flaked,growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests, especially under the oaks.

Hygrophorus piceae

Cap is convex,then spread, smooth surface,the edge is incurved,white color as snow,stem is cylindrical, white color,growing in summer and autumn in coniferous forests,under the spruce.

Hygrophorus pleurotoides

Cap is then convex and spread,depressed,smooth surface,light rusty brown color,in the middle of the of cap is a darker shades ,stem is cylindrical and curved,white color, covered with tiny white veneers,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Hygrophorus poetarum

Cap is convex,then irregularly spread,the edge is inroled and wavy, the fleshy,varied in color shades of white,orange and pink color,stem of is white with orange-pink reflections,growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests, especially under beech.

Hygrophorus ponderatus

Cap is convex,then spread and truncate,smooth surface,the edge is incurved,white color with cream shade,stem is cylindrical,white color with cream shade, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests,under the oak and birch.

Hygrophorus pudorinus

Cap is convex,then spread and depressed,the edge is inroled,the fleshy and hard,orange and pink color, in the middle of the of cap is darker,a stem of a robust and hard,white color with orange-pink reflections, growing in summer and autumn in coniferous forests,especially under the dishes.

Hygrophorus pustulatus

Cap is a hemispherical convex then spread and truncate,gray or gray-brown colors,stem is cylindrical and curved, the basis of stalk is white or cream colored,covered with grayish brown scales, growing in the autumn in coniferous forests, especially under the spruce.

Hygrophorus pustulatus var. albus

Cap is a convex hemispherical then spread and little depressed,white color,in the middle of cap has a greyish brown shade, stem is cylindrical and curved,the basis of stalk is white or cream colored, covered with tiny white scales,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests, especially under the spruce.