Cap is a hemispherical convex,the edge is incurved,smooth surface, silver gray color,stem is cylindrical and fibrous, whitish or pale ocher color,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests in the higher mountain regions.
Cap is convex then spread, depressed and truncate,the edge is upturned, olive-brown color,stem is fibrous,whitish yellow color,growing in late autumn in coniferous forests,the pine forest.
Cap is convex then spread and truncate,the edge is incurved,the surface smooth and slimy,brown gray color,stem is cylindrical and slimy surface,white color,with olive-brown scales,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests,in symbiosis with pine.
Cap is convex then spread and truncate,at the age edge is upturned and wavy, brown and pink color,in the middle of the of cap is a darker shades,stem is cylindrical and curved, pale brown or ocher color, grow in summer and autumn in coniferous forests,the moss or grass,in the mountainous areas of forest.
Cap is convex then spread and truncate,the edge is incurved and slim,cream colored,in the middle of the of cap orange rusty color, a stem of white color or yellow-brown color,has flakes in upper part of the stalk,grows in the autumn in deciduous forests,under the elm .
Cap is convex then spread and truncate,the edge is incurved and flaked,lemon yellow color,in the middle of cap is a darker shades ,stem is cylindrical,or curved,whitish yellow, growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests as simbionit larch.
Cap is a widespread and depressed,the edge is wavy, the fleshy and smooth surface,light gray to dark gray,stem is the fleshy, may be straight or curved,white color,growing early in the spring in deciduous and coniferous forests in groups or nests.
Cap is convex then spread and truncate,whitish color,in the the middle of cap is grayish brown color,the edge is incurved ,stem is cylindrical and curved,white color, covered with white brown scales,growing in late summer and autumn in deciduous forests, especially under the elm and oak.
Cap is convex then spread and truncate,the edge is inrolled then upturned,orange-brown colors,stem is curved and pale ocher color,grow in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests,under the beech.