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Hygrophorus chrysodon

Cap is irregularly shaped, widespread and humpy,flake surface,the edge is wavy, white color with a yellowish shade,a stem of curved,white color with whitish flakes and yellow tones,growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests.

Hygrophorus cossus

Cap is convex,then spread, smooth surface,white and cream colored,stem is cylindrical and curved, covered with flaked cream colored, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests,meadows,along the roads.

Hygrophorus dichrous

Cap is convex then spread,the edge is incurved,smooth surface, dark brown color with olive shade,stem is cylindrical, white color,covered with brown scales,growing in late summer and autumn in deciduous forests, especially under the elm, oak and beech.

Hygrophorus discoideus

Cap is convex then spread, depressed truncate,ocher chestnut brown colors,in the middle of the of cap is a darker shades,stem is cylindrical,pale yellowish brown in color,grow in summer and autumn in coniferous and deciduous forests.

Hygrophorus eburneus

Cap is convex,then spread and truncate,smooth surface,white color,stem is cylindrical and curved, white color,growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests on acidic soil, under the beech.

Hygrophorus erubescens

Cap is convex then spread and truncate,the edge is thin and incurved whitish color with reddish tones covered with a red purple flaked ,stem is cylindrical and curved whitish color covered with purple-red granules,growing in summer and autumn in coniferous forests.

Hygrophorus erubescens var. persicolor

Cap is convex then spread,the edge is thin and wavy,reddish carmine color in the middle of cap is a darker shades,stem is cylindrical and curved, white color,covered with small reddish scales, growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests,especially under the spruce.

Hygrophorus fagi

Cap is convex,then spread and depressed,the edge is wavy,smooth surface, whitish in color with orange and pink shades,in the middle of the of cap is darker, the stem is cylindrical and curved,white color, growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests, especially under the beech.

Hygrophorus gliocyclus

Cap is a conic then spread,the edge is incurved,whitish or yellow ocher color,stem is cylindrical and slimy surface,white or cream colored,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests, especially under the pine trees.