Cap is a widespread and funnel-shaped,the edge is cracked,orange yellow color,the stem is yellow or orange yellow color, growing in late summer along the edges of forests in moss.
Cap is a bell shape and then spread and truncate,the edge is translucent ribbed,gray color,a stem is gray-brown color,growing in late summer and autumn in the pastures and meadows,along forest edges of higher regions.
Cap is convex then widespread and funnel-shaped, the edge is inrolled and wavy, velvety structure,pale red or orange-red color,stem is cylindrical,yellow-orange color,growing in late summer on the stumps of deciduous and coniferous trees.
Cap is widespread,the edge is incurved,gray color,in the middle of the of cap is a darker shades,stem is cylindrical and firm, whitish or brown color, covered with yellowish flakes,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests, especially under the spruce.
Cap is a widespread and depressed,the edge is incurved,dark gray with blackish shades of gray or black color,stem is fibrous,dark gray or black and gray in color, growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests, in groups. A rare species.
Cap is convex then spread,the edge is incurved,smooth and slimy surfaces,bright orange or pink color,red with golden yellow border,stem is fibrous,whitish yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests,the pine forest on the higher mountain regions.
Cap is convex,then spread and truncate,the edge is curved,smooth surface, ocher pink color with white tones,in the middle of the of cap is darker,the stem is cylindrical and curved, white color,growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests,under the elm.
Cap is convex then spread, white color with yellow tones,in the middle of the of cap is yellow color,the stem is white color then yellowbrown colors,has fine flakes at upper part of the stalk,growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests,under the beech.