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Hygrocybe quieta

Cap is a conic then spread with a truncate,varies from greenish yellow to orange red color,stem of varies from whitish yellow to yellow-orange red, growing in autumn in meadows and pasture lands, and forest clearings.

Hygrocybe reai

Cap is convex then spread,scarlet red color,edge is wavy and ribbed,a stem is scarlet red color,the brighter the stalk base, growing in late summer along the edge of the forest,under the ferns,the moss.

Hygrocybe reidii

Cap is convex then spread,red and orange colors,the edge is wavy and scalloped,a stem is orange red color,growing in late summer and autumn in the mountain meadows and pastures.

Hygrocybe sciophana

Cap is a bell shape and then spread,truncate,pinkish brown or orange brown color,the edge is ribbed,a stem is pink and ocher brown color,growing in late summer and autumn in grassy areas near forests.

Hygrocybe spadicea

Cap is a bell shape then spread,the edge is forked,dark blackish brown color,a stem is of yellow color with shades of brown or purple in color,fibrous grooved,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows of higher regions.

Hygrocybe splendidissima

Cap is a conic then spread, glossy surface,red color,a stem of is red orange color,growing in the summer and fall,in meadows and pasture lands,glades.

Hygrocybe strangulata

Cap is convex then spread,scarlet red color,edge is recurved,a stem is orange red color,growing in late summer and autumn in the meadows,pasture lands and meadows of higher regions.

Hygrocybe substrangulatus

Cap is convex then spread,scarlet red and orange colors,the edge is wavy and ribbed,a stem is orange yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in the meadows,pasture lands.

Hygrocybe tristis

Cap is a bell shape and then spread and sharply bulging, the edge is wavy,yellow or orange red color and later turns black,a stem of yellow or olive-yellow color,growing in the summer and fall of the glades, grassy areas in the forest.