Cap is a conic then spread and strongly bulging,yellow-orange or golden yellow color,the edge is cracked,a stem is yellowish orange or golden yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows and along forest edges.
Cap is a convex,red and orange colors,a stem is orange red color,growing in late summer and autumn in the mountain meadows and pastures,along the edge of the forest.
Cap is a conical,radially fibrous,yellow or orange red color and rapid turns black,a stem of yellow orange color,touch turns black,growing in the summer and fall,in meadows,pasture lands.
Cap is a convex and concave then spread,varies from white to gray in color with shades of brown,stem is whitish gray in color,growing in the fall of the pastures and meadows.
Cap is convex then spread,the edge is wavy and inrolled,orange yellow or citrus yellow color,the stem is yellow or orange yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows,in the moss.
Cap is a bell shape and then spread,radially fibrous, black and brown or black and olive green colored,a stem is gray-brown or dark grayish olive green colored, growing in the fall of the pastures and meadows, along the edges of coniferous forests.
Cap is a conic then spread and strongly bulging,yellow-orange color,the edge is ribbed and wavy,a stem is yellow orange color,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows.
Cap is a bell shape and then spread,bulging and depressed,varies from greenish yellow,olive-yellow or yellowish brown color, the edge is ribbed,a stem is greenish yellow or orange colors,growing in late summer and autumn in grassy land near forests.
Cap is a bell shape and then spread and bulging, smooth and transparent surfaces,purple-red to orange color,the edge is wavy,a stem of yellow orange color with reddish fibers,growing in summer and fall,in meadows and pasture lands.