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Hohenbuehelia atrocaerulea

Cap is a round convex then widespread such as shell, dark olive-brown color, later fading to beige brown,the edge is incurved,does not exist stipe,growing directly from the tree,growing on fallen and rotting trees and branches of deciduous trees.

Hohenbuehelia geogenia

Cap a irregularly curled and the funnel shaped, light to dark brown color ,the stipe short, cylindrical and full ,whitish color,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests,in gardens,parks.

Hohenbuehelia rickenii

Cap a widespread such as shell,the edge a incurved, brown color,stem is short, cylindricaland the is full ,whitish color,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests.

Hohenbuehelia semiinfundibuliformis

Cap is funnel-shaped, smooth and shiny,reddish brown or chocolate brown color,stem is cylindrical, curved and full,whitish brown color,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests of the rotten leaves.

Hygrocybe acutoconicus

Cap is a conic then spread and strongly bulging,yellow-orange color,the edge is irregular and wavy,a stem is yellow or orange color yellow,growing in late summer and autumn in pasture lands,meadows and along forest edges.

Hygrocybe acutopunicea

Cap is a conic then spread and,and truncate,orange red color,stem is orange red color,longitudinally fibrous,growing in late summer,the meadows and pastures,and forest clearings.

Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens

Cap is a conical,scarlet red,orange or red color,smooth surface,the edge is irregular and wavy,a stem yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in the meadows,pasture lands and meadows of higher regions.

Hygrocybe brevispora

Cap is a conic then spread and strongly bulging,yellow or yellowish green color,the edge is irregular,stem is yellowish orange or yellowish-green color,growing in late summer and autumn in the grassy forest clearings.

Hygrocybe calyptraeformis

Cap is a conic then spread and strongly bulging,rosy pink or purple color,a stem of white,growing in the fall of the meadows,pasture lands.