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Entoloma madidum

Cap is a conical then spread and truncate,gray-blue to gray-brown color on the surface of the white freckles,a stem of white or gray-blue color,smells like flour,growing in late summer and autumn the meadows and pastures.

Entoloma mammosum

Cap is convex then spread and strongly bulging,varies from dark brown to light brown colored,the edge is inrolled,stem is light or dark brown in color,grow in early spring in coniferous and deciduous forests.

Entoloma mougeotii

Cap is convex then spread and bulging,gray-purple to purple brown colored,radially fibrous,the edge is inrolled and ribbed,stem is gray-blue colo,growing in late summer and autumn in pastures and meadows,along the edge of forests.

Entoloma nidorosum

Cap is a convex,then spread and depressed,gray-brown or ocher brown color,the edge is ribbed and wavy,stem is white to beige brown in color,grows in the summer in deciduous and mixed forests.

Entoloma nitens

Cap is convex then spread and truncate,smooth and watery structure,gray-brown color,the edge is ribbed,stem is dark gray-brown color,smell the grass,growing in late summer in deciduous and mixed forests.

Entoloma nitidum

Cap is a bell shape then spread and bulging,blue purple color,silk structure,the stem is purple blue color,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests.

Entoloma occultopigmentatum

Cap is convex then spread and truncate,silky and smooth structure,the edge is wavy,varies from black-brown the ocher gray stem is gray-brown color,smells like flour,growing in late summer on the pastures and meadows.

Entoloma palleascens

Cap is a bell shape then spread and strongly bulging,gray-brown color,bulging is a whitish cream color,a stem of gray-brown colored,growing in late summer and autumn in the moss in coniferous forests.

Entoloma politum

Cap is convex,then spread and gently truncate,smooth structure,dark brown to light brown color,stem is whitish to gray-brown color,strong and unpleasant fragrance,growing in late summer in deciduous forests.