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Cortinarius pseudoprivignus

Cap a convex and truncate, the edge is rolled,ocher and gray-brown with dark spots in the middle,stem of is ocher whitish color,thick and paunchy, growing in late summer and deciduous forests, in mixed oak forests.

Cortinarius pseudosuillus

Cap a convex then widespread and bulging, the edge rolled,the fibrous structure, brown color, stem of of yellow ocher color,grows in the summer in deciduous forests.

Cortinarius puniceus

Cap a convex then spread and truncate,the edge is rolled,blood red or purple red color,stem of blood red color,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Cortinarius purpurascens

Cap is convex then widespread,fleshy,ocher to reddish brown color,a stem of pale purple color, the basis of stalk is bulbaceous,growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Cortinarius rufoolivaceus

Cap a convex then widespread,the edge rolled,varied from olive gray,purple and purple red,stem of varies from purple brown to reddish brown color, grows in the summer in deciduous forests.

Cortinarius rugosus

Cap is convex then spread and depressed, the edge the wave and the remains of the veil,ocher color and orange ocher spotted, a stipe of dirty ocher color to brown in color, growing in late summer and autumn in moist mixed deciduous and coniferous forests.

Cortinarius russeoides

Cap conical,a convex then widespread,green yellow with shades of brown, wet weather in the area cap is slobbering,a wavy edge,stem is reddish brown color,growing in the autumn in the coniferous forests.

Cortinarius sebaceus

Cap is convex,then spread, yellow ocher, rolled edge, silky structure, stipe of white color with shades of brown, growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests.

Cortinarius semisanguineus

Cap a convex then spread and truncate,brown or olive-brown color,stem of dirty yellow,the underside has a reddish tones, growing in late summer and autumn in the coniferous forests.