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Cortinarius cyanophyllus

Cap a convex then widespread,the edge rolled and connected to with light blue veil for the stem,cap is ocher colored with a whitish fibers,stem of is ocher brown color,the basis of thickened and white color,growing in late summer and autumn in the coniferous and deciduous forests.

Cortinarius duracinus

Cap is convex then spread, reddish brown to ocher-brown, rolled edge, stipe of white color,growing in late summer in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Cortinarius elatior

Cap is convex, then spread and dull bulging, yellow ocher or brown in olive green, in the middle of the cap dark shades,a edge wavy and ribbed, stipe of white color with a purple shade, growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Cortinarius emollitus

Cap a convex then spread and truncate,ocher cream colored with shades of gray and reddish and brown spots,stem is white color with brown fibers,the basis of thickened,growing in the autumn in the deciduous forests,the high areas.

Cortinarius erythrinus

Cap conic then spread and strongly truncate,reddish brown to dark brown color, stem of is pink purple brown color,the lower part of a whitish color,growing in early spring in coniferous and deciduous forests in the higher mountain regions.

Cortinarius evernius

Cap is convex then spread and bulging, brown purple color and stipe of purple color and with white tones, growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests of moss.

Cortinarius evernius var. fragrans

Cap a convex then widespread and truncate, ocher or reddish-ocher color,in wet weather darkened,the edge is irregular,stem of is white and a violet tinge,growing in late summer and autumn in the coniferous and mixed forests.

Cortinarius fasciatus

Cap conical then a convex, and extensive,truncate,the edge is ribbed,varies from yellow ocher color and rust reddish brown color,the middle of the cap is darker shades,stem of ocher brown color,growing in late summer and autumn in the coniferous forests, the moss.

Cortinarius fulmineus

Cap is a convex then widespread, the edge is rolled, a golden yellow color, mid-cap is orange brown color, a stem of of yellow color with shades of orange, the basis of is bulbaceous , grows in the summer in deciduous forests.