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Cortinarius aureoturbinatus

Cap is convex then widespread,orange yellow to orange-red,mid-cap has dark spots,a stem of sulfur yellow with shades of reddish brown,the basis of stalk is bulbaceous,grows in the summer in deciduous forests.

Cortinarius azureus

Cap conical then a convex and spread,the edge is often wavy,purple brown color,stem of varied from blue-purple to brown color, growing in late summer and autumn in the mixed deciduous and coniferous forests.

Cortinarius bicolor

Cap conic then widespread and strongly bulging, purple and chestnut-brown color,after the fading, purple stem of is white color,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests in mountainous regions.

Cortinarius bivelus

Cap is convex then spread and dull bulging, the edge wavy, reddish brown or rusty brown color, a stipe of dirty ocher color, has a corolla that is a wide and white color, growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests.

Cortinarius bolaris

Cap a convex then widespread,the edge is upturned,coppery red, covered with brown copper veneers,stem of coppery red or reddish brown color, growing in summer and autumn in deciduous and mixed forests.

Cortinarius brunneus

Cap conical then a convex and strongly bulging, varies from dark red to gray-brown color,stem of varies from dirty white to brown color, growing in the summer and autumn in the coniferous forests on acidic ground.

Cortinarius builliardi

Cap is a bell and then spread, reddish or purple brown or chestnut brown, edge pleated, stipe of reddish brown color,the lower side is red color , growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.

Cortinarius caerulescens

Cap is convex then widespread and bulging or depressed, edge is rolled, blue violet or blue gray in color, is a stem of gray-purple in color with a tones of cream ocher color, growing in deciduous forests.

Cortinarius camphoratus

Cap is convex, then spread and bulging, white-purple color, edge incurved and a stipe purple and white color, grow in coniferous forests.