Cap is a bell shape and then spread a little concave, greenish blue color, the edge is wavy, stem is cylindrical, greenish blue color, grows in the summer and autumn in all forests.
Cap is convex and bulging then it spread and depressed, white with yellow ocher shades,stem is longitudinally grooved, white ocher color,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests on fallen leaves and needles.
Cap is convex then spread and funnel-shaped,reddish brown in color,the edge is wavy,stem is smooth,reddish brown in color, growing in the spring and summer in coniferous forests,in glades and along roads.
Cap is a funnel-shaped,covered with tiny brown flakes,light brown or yellowish brown color,a stem of has color as the cap ,grows in summer and autumn in coniferous forests,along the edge of the forests,in moss and grass.
Cap is a convex then spread and depressed,varies from whitish ocher to olive brown in color,stem is gray-brown color,base stem is thickened,growing in deciduous forests on fallen leaves.
Cap convex and depressed then widespread, whitish gray color,the edge is irregular and wavy,the stem is graybeige or graybrown color,growing in the summer and autumn in coniferous and deciduous forests.
Cap is a depressed, smooth,reddish brown or reddish color,the edge is inrolled,a stem of pale yellow color,growing in the spring in coniferous forests.
Cap is convex then widespread, little truncate,distortion and waves edge,yellowish gray red color,stem is pale reddish color, grew into turf,growing in summer in compacted sods in coniferous and deciduous forests.
Cap is convex then widespread a little truncate, reddish brown ,stem is brownish red color,growing in summer and autumn in the sods with stumps or residues coniferous trees.