Cap is a convex,depressed and then spread,whitish gray and light brown color,the edge is inrolled and ribbed,stem is a rugged,whitish gray in color,growing in the autumn in coniferous forests.
Cap is a convex then depressed and funnel, yellow-red color, covered with tiny flakes, stem is cylindrical, white of reddish color and covered with white flakes, growing in the autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests.
Cap is a widespread and concave,irregularly shaped,white,edge of the wavy,stem is short ,cylindrical,white color,growing in deciduous forests on acid soils.
Cap is a funnel-shaped, the edge is inrolled or recurved, whitish or ocher color, stem of is longitudinally fibrous, spongy structure in the middle, whitish or ocher color,growing in autumn in wet deciduous forests.
Cap is a widespread and depressed, smooth, gray-brown to whitish cream color,the edge is ribbed or wavy,stem is white to gray-brown in color in late fall growing in deciduous and coniferous forests.
Cap is a bell-shaped,convex then spread,the edge is inrolled,gray-white color,stem is fibrous and spongy,gray brown color, lower part is thicker,growing in late autumn in coniferous and deciduous forests.
Cap is convex then spread,the edge is inrolled,white color,stem is fibrous and spongy,white color,lower part of is round and thicker,growing in late autumn in coniferous and deciduous forests.
Cap is a funnel-shaped, varying from brown to greyish yellow color,the edge is thin and wavy and transparent ribbed,stem is colored as a cap,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests,the higher regions.
Cap is convex and inrolled edge and then widespread and depressed gray to graypink color,later fading,edge is ribbed,stem is cylindrical,color as cap,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests.