Korpa je prazna.

Iz liste karakteristika odaberite one koje možete tačno indetifikovati.

Clitocybe diatreta

Cap is convex, then depressed and funnel-shaped,varies from pink to pinkish brown and ocher color,a stem of bright ocher color,growing in the autumn in coniferous forests.

Clitocybe ditopa

Cap is a convex and concave then spread,smooth and silky structure,graybrown color,the edge is beinrolled,stem is grooved and a winding,graybrown colored with a white shade,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous forests.

Clitocybe foetens

Cap is convex then widespread and depressed, beige brown colored with olive shade,the edge is inrolled, wavy,and ribbed,stem is grooved,light beige to cream color,growing in coniferous forests.

Clitocybe fontqueri

Cap funnel-shaped,graybrown colored,edge is wavy,a stem is colored as cap,growing in late summer in the coastal areas of mixed forests.

Clitocybe fragrans

Cap is convex then widespread and depressed,gray-beige color,edge is transparent ribbed,the stem is white and gray color, growing in late summer and autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests, and lower mountain areas.

Clitocybe geotropa

Cap is a fleshy, funnel bulging,whitish yellowish color,stem is robust, yellowish white color, growing in the autumn, in wet coniferous and deciduous forests,the meadows,glades.

Clitocybe gibba

Cap is a funnel-shaped bulging, whitish yellowish color, stem is cylindrical, yellowish white color and covered with white flakes, growing in summer and autumn, in all forests.

Clitocybe gilva

Cap is convex then spread and funnel-shaped, yellow-brown ,stem is fibrous and smooth, white color, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests.

Clitocybe hydrogramma

Cap is a widespread, depressed and funnel-shaped,gray to whitish gray color,the edge is wavy and inrolled,the stem is whitish color, growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests of fallen leaves.