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Cantharellus minor

Cap is a widespread and deepressed,humped and irregularly shaped,rolled and a wavy edge,orange color,stem is orange yellow color,growing in summer and autumn in coniferous forests in the group,especially the pins conifers.

Cantharellus subalbidus

Cap is a humpy,widespread and depressed,the edge of is rolled and irregularly wavy,whitish color with orange shades,growing in late summer and autumn in coniferous and deciduous forests.

Cantharellus tubaeformis

Cap is widespread, depressed and funnel-shaped,the edge is sinuous and wavy,yellow-brown or gray-brown color,stem is yellowish olive green color,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests,especially below the dishes.

Cantharellus tubaeformis var. lutescens

Cap is convex then a widespread and depressed,a golden yellow color with white shade,a stem of yellow color,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests.

Chroogomphus helveticus

Cap is convex then widespread and truncate, orange ocher color,a stipe is orange-ocher color, growing in the summer and autumn in coniferous forests,especially under spruce and pine.

Chroogomphus rutilus

Cap is conical then widespread and truncate, the fleshy,coppery brown color,stem is yellow color with the remains of membranes,growing in the summer in coniferous forests.

Chroogomphus tatrensis

Cap is convex then widespread,the edge is incurved,ocher brown color,the surface is finely fuzzy,stem is ocher brown color,fuzzy, growing in late summer in coniferous forests, especially under the pine trees.

Clitocybe expallens

Cap is a widespread and depressed,dark brown to pale ocher color,the edge is inrolled,stem is cylindrical,pale ocher color, growing in the fall on the ground in the grass.

Clitocybe albofragrans

Cap is convex then widespread,regular and smooth,white color,edge is inrolled,stem is cylindrical,elastic,white color, growing in the the summer in deciduous forests.