Korpa je prazna.

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Calocybe persicolor

Cap is widespread, bulging the edge is irregularly wavy, pink color, stem color varies from white to reddish purple color, growing in the summer and autumn on pastures, along the roads and forest edges.

Calvatia excipuliformis

Torus are formed of a bag stem and rounded head,pear shaped,varies from white,ocher to light brown colored,surface is wrinkled or groove,growing in late summer in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Calvatia utriformis

Torus is circular,broadly,paunch or head shape,the vertex on the surface is flat,cream to light brown in color,grows in the summer meadows and pastures.

Camarophyllus colemannianus

Cap is a convex hemispherical then spread and depressed,gray-brown and white color,in the middle of cap has a greyish brown shade,stem is cylindrical,stem is white or pale brown color, growing in late summer along the edges of deciduous forests,the pastures and meadows.

Camarophyllus niveus

Cap is a bell and then spread with a sharp bulging,white color or cream color,stem is cylindrical,white color, growing in the fall,the pastures and meadows.

Camarophyllus pratensis

Cap is a bell and then spread with a sharp bulging,orange yellow color,stem is fibrous, pale rusty color,growing in the fall,the pastures and meadows.

Camarophyllus virgineus

Cap is convex then spread, the edge is ribbed, white color with reddish spots, in the middle of cap is a yellowish color,a stem of white color,growing in the late summer and autumn, in glades,pastures,meadows and grasslands.

Cantharellus friesii

Cap is a widespread and deepressed,humped and irregular in shape,sinuous edge,orange color,stipe in orange color,growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests of the group,especially under beech.

Cantharellus miniatus

Cap is a widespread and deepressed,humped, and irregularly shaped,a wavy edge,citrus a yellow color with whitish tones,the stipe of yellow color as the cap,grows in the summer in deciduous forests especially under beech.