Cap is convex, then spread and bulging,gray-brown to whitish gray color with olive shade,edge is ribbed,stem is white color,the surface is rough and grooved,growing in the spring in the shrubs,under the sloes,field maple and other shrubs.
Cap is spread and bulging, gray color,edge is wrapped,sinuous and covered with small flakes,stem is white color, sometimes the surface is covered with flakes,growing in summer and autumn in the deciduous forests along the edges of forests.
Cap is a convex,then spread and depressed,gray-brown or ocher brown color,the edge is ribbed and wavy,stem is white to beige brown in color,grows in the summer in deciduous and mixed forests.
Cap is convex, then spread and truncate,gray-brown color with a pink shade,edge is cracked,stem is light gray with a purple shade,growing in the summer and autumn in deciduous forests especially under the beech.
Cap is convex and truncate,depressed and then extensive,gray or gray yellowish color,the edge is wavy and irregular,stem is light gray color with a white shade,growing in the summer and autumn in deciduous forests especially under the beech.
Cap is convex,then spread and truncate,dark brown color,the edge is incurved, stem is light gray color with a white shade, grows in the summer in coniferous or mixed forests.
Cap is convex,then spread and truncate,gray-brown color,stem is white color,the surface is grooved or silky structure,growing in the summer in deciduous forests,shrubs and hedges.
Cap is convex, then spread and gently depressed,radially fibrous,pinkish brown color,stem is white color with a pink shade,growing in late summer in coniferous forests,on edges of forests.