Cap bell is then a conical and strongly bulging, orange color that in time fading to the color of ocher, the edge is rolled and wavy, stipe of the same color as the cap, grows in late summer and autumn in the moss in coniferous forests.
Cap is convex then spread and bulging, brown purple color and stipe of purple color and with white tones, growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests of moss.
Cap is convex then spread and bulging,varying from yellow ocher to orange brown color,with a stipe of yellow ocher and ocher brown color ,in late summer, growing in deciduous forests.
Cap is convex, varying from ocher, light yellow to orange color, stipe of is a whitish color with tones ocher yellow color, growing in late summer and autumn in the coniferous forests.
Cap is convex then spread and dull bulging, the edge wavy, reddish brown or rusty brown color, a stipe of dirty ocher color, has a corolla that is a wide and white color, growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests.
Cap is convex then spread and depressed, the edge the wave and the remains of the veil,ocher color and orange ocher spotted, a stipe of dirty ocher color to brown in color, growing in late summer and autumn in moist mixed deciduous and coniferous forests.
Cap is convex then spread,edge of rolled and the remains of the veil, golden yellow to orange-yellow color with tones brown color,stem is greenish yellow in color with the remains of the veil, growing in late summer and autumn in the coniferous forests.
Cap is convex then spread, rolled edge of,yellow-brown,shiny surface,stem is white color with a purple color,growing in late summer and autumn in the coniferous forests.
Cap is convex then spread, fleshy, the edge is slightly rolled,varying from yellow brown to in olive green and rusty brown color, a stipe of is bluish and then dirty yellow, growing in late summer and autumn in the coniferous forests.