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Proizvodi označeni s 'Clitocybe'

Clitocybe dealbata

Cap is a widespread and small depressed,shoots irregular in concentrated circles brown color,stem is white fibrous and white in color,growing in the summer to autumn in the deciduous forests, meadows and pastures.

Clitocybe phyllophyla

Cap is convex and bulging then it spread and depressed, white with yellow ocher shades,stem is longitudinally grooved, white ocher color,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous and coniferous forests on fallen leaves and needles.

Clitocybe cerussata

Cap is convex or spread with a slight concavity or convexity, white color with yellowish brown tones,the stem is hairy flaky,white color,growing in the autumn in all forests.

Clitocybe candicans

Cap is a convex,then spread and depressed,snow-white,stem is cylindrical and white color,growing in late summer and autumn in the deciduous forests along the edges of forests.

Clitocybe albofragrans

Cap is convex then widespread,regular and smooth,white color,edge is inrolled,stem is cylindrical,elastic,white color, growing in the the summer in deciduous forests.

Clitocybe josserandii

Cap is a widespread and concave,irregularly shaped,white,edge of the wavy,stem is short ,cylindrical,white color,growing in deciduous forests on acid soils.

Clitocybe metachroa

Cap is a widespread and depressed, smooth, gray-brown to whitish cream color,the edge is ribbed or wavy,stem is white to gray-brown in color in late fall growing in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Clitocybe subspadicea

Cap is a convex then spread and depressed,varies from whitish ocher to olive brown in color,stem is gray-brown color,base stem is thickened,growing in deciduous forests on fallen leaves.

Clitocybe fragrans

Cap is convex then widespread and depressed,gray-beige color,edge is transparent ribbed,the stem is white and gray color, growing in late summer and autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests, and lower mountain areas.