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Amanita citrina

Upotrebljivost: Otrovna
Specifikacije proizvoda
Godišnje dobaLjeto, Jesen
StaništeCrnogorica, Bjelogorica, Mješovita šuma
KlobukZvonolik, Ravan
Boja klobukaŽuta, Bijela
Cap size2" - 4" (5cm - 10cm)
Cap flesh colorWhite
GillsFree gills
Gills colorWhite
Gills formDense
StipeFuzzy, Fibrillar
Boja stručkaŽuta, Bijela, Krem
Stipe size2" - 4" (5cm - 10cm)
AromaReek, Radish
Base of stipeBulbaceous
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Klobuk 1. 8. 2011. 08:53
This mushroom has a fleshy pale yellow, or sometimes white, cap from 4–10 cm (1.5–4 in) across, covered in irregular patches. The gills and flesh are white. There is a large volva at the base of the 6–8 cm (2.5–3 in) tall stem, which has a clear ring. This mushroom is not eaten, having a smell of rapeseed or potato. It is often confused with the related death cap mushroom (Amanita phalloides), hence the name.
The false death cap is found in deciduous and coniferous woodlands in Autumn in Europe. It is also found in North American oak and pine forests.
Scientific tests in the University of Cambridge have shown that this mushroom contains the alpha-amanitin toxin. However, the amounts of this toxin were found to be very small and would not cause any adverse effects unless the mushroom was ingested in very large amounts. The biggest danger with this species is its marked similarity to the death cap, which is reason enough to avoid it, even though it is edible
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Klobuk 1. 8. 2011. 08:54
Žućkasta pupavka (Amanita citrina) je vrsta nejestive i potencijalno otrovne gljive iz porodice Amanitaceae. Također se zove limunasta pupavka i citronasta pupavka. Simbiont je.
Klobuk je širok 5 do 10 cm. Umladosti je kuglast, potom zvonast i na kraju otvoren. Uglavnom je žućkaste boje, ponekada i bijel. Pokriven je ostacima ovoja koji se mogu isprati za kišnih dana. Listići su slobodni i gusti, bjelkaste boje. Stručak je visok 5 do 10 cm i cilindričan. Najprije je pun, a zatim šupalj. Bjelkaste je ili žućkaste boje. Pri vrhu postoji vjenčić, a na dnu je gomoljasto zadebljanje. Meso je bijelo, a ispod klobuka žućkasto. Ima odvratan okus, ali miris i nije baš jak.
Spore su bijele i podugačko okrugle, veličine 7-10x7-11 μm.
Kožica klobuka, listići i meso gomoljastog zadebljanja sa sumpornom kiselinom postanu maslinastosmeđi. Rub lisića sa kalijevom lužinom opstane karminsmeđe boje.
Žućkasta pupavka raste u ljeto i jesen u zimzelenim i listopadnim šumama i dosta je česta.
Vrlo je slična smrtno otrovnoj zelenoj pupavci. Amanita porphyria joj također sliči, ali ima klobuk kestenjaste boje).
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Specifikacije proizvoda
Godišnje dobaLjeto, Jesen
StaništeCrnogorica, Bjelogorica, Mješovita šuma
KlobukZvonolik, Ravan
Boja klobukaŽuta, Bijela
Cap size2" - 4" (5cm - 10cm)
Cap flesh colorWhite
GillsFree gills
Gills colorWhite
Gills formDense
StipeFuzzy, Fibrillar
Boja stručkaŽuta, Bijela, Krem
Stipe size2" - 4" (5cm - 10cm)
AromaReek, Radish
Base of stipeBulbaceous
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